Birth anniversary of the great reformer Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj

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June 26 is celebrated as the birthday anniversary of Shahu Ji Maharaj. He was a king in the Kolhapur District in the central province. At presently in Maharashtra. Shahu Ji was educated at Rajkumar College Rajkot.

He is known for his contribution in many spheres be it cultural, social and political. Shahu Ji also notable for being a true Democrats who saw the seeds of equality and democratic values in the society. At that time society was highly corrupted on many lines be it caste or anything. He strived to achieve equality in society by being a true social reformer. He is the first Maharaja of the princely state of Kolhapur and has been considered an invaluable gem in the history of Maharashtra. Shahu Ji was highly influenced by the contributions of great social reformer Jyotiba Phule and tried to emulate the social values prescribed by the Jyotiba. He has been an ideal leader and competent emperor who kept progressive ideology with him and did path-breaking activities in his period to bring changes in the social structure of the society. At this time society was highly corrupted by the Brahmanical traditional values. From his corporation in 1894, till his departure in 1992, Shahu Ji worked tirelessly for the causes of the lower caste who were subject in the state.


This shows his modern and humanist values for the fellows those who are shackled by the Brahmanical caste system and superstition etc. All these things were causing huge harm to the progress of ex untouchables. Shahu Ji ensured education for all irrespective of caste, class, creed and gender and welcomed all sections of the society in the educational institutions. The importance of education was highly regarded by this king. Because he knew the value of education. This was his high priority also that all should get educated. His emphasis was on education and he aimed to make education accessible to everyone in a possible manner so everyone can get the benefits of education. In addition, Shahu Ji opened the hostels separately for different ethnicities and religions.

One of remarkable work was that he introduced scholarships for poor students and also for the meritorious student backward castes. He made primary education compulsory for students.

Chhatrapati was doing great advocacy for equality among all strata of the society and refused to give the Brahmins any special statues. This attitude of Shahu Ji reflects that he was anti-status quo and was an anti-Brahmanical gem. He was highly radical in his approach and even to the extent removed all brahmins from the royal post of royal religious advisers. When brahmins refused to perform religious rights other than brahmins.

Chhatrapati outstanding effort was to abolish the caste system, caste segregation and untouchability. He introduced the affirmative action policies ( reservations system ) in government jobs to deal with the issues of fair representation. This historic decision to come up with a reservation for the upliftment of the depressed classes makes Shahu Ji the founder of the democratic principle that ensures fair representation. Because without adequate representation the concept of democracy seems the empty vessel and does serve the purpose of democracy. So here it can be considered that Shahu Ji was undoubtedly the founder of the reservation system for the upliftment of ex untouchables.

His royal decree ordered his subjects to treat every person of society must be treated with dignity and respect to upholding the values of humanism. And granted equal rights to untouchables to use public road, street, wells and ponds. In addition to it, he established hospitals also.


On the path of social reform, Shahu Ji gave the legal sanction to inter-caste marriage and made a lot of effortless for the empowerment of untouchables.

In the case of feudalism, he tried to uproot the feudal system by discontinuing hereditary transfer of titles and tenures of revenue Collectors (Kulkarni) a notorious caste infamous for exploiting the masses, especially enslavement of Mahar caste and helped them to get rid of the clutches of landlord feudalism.

Along with all these things he worked for the betterment of women in his state. He opened the schools for women and stood against the exploitation of women. He banned the Devdasi Pratha, a practice of offering the girl to gods. Eventually, girls will be exploited in the hand of the clergy of temples. Shahu Ji sanctioned widow remarriage and made continuous efforts to stop child marriage.

Association with Dr B. R Ambedkar



Artist Dattoba Pawar and Dittoba Dalvi introduced Ambedkar to Shahu Ji Maharaj and he was highly impressed by the intelligence of Ambedkar. He found him a radical and revolutionary person regarding the issues of untouchables. Shahu Ji donated 2,500 rupees to Ambedkar when the newspaper `Mooknayak, was published. Their long association lasted till Shahu Ji death.

Wrestling was one of the favourites game and he supported the sports all his ruling period. Installed gymnasium and wrestling pitches

Wrestlers from all over the country would come to his state to participate in competitions. Side by side Shahu Ji was a patron of art and culture also. He supported the writers and researchers.

The great social reformer died on May 6 1922. He left his eldest son Rajaram as Maharaja of Kolhapur. But reforms initiated by the Shahu Ji could not survive due to a lack of able leadership and the legacy of reforms cease to exist.

*दलित टाइम्स उन करोड़ो लोगो की आवाज़ है जिन्हें हाशिए पर रखा गया है। *

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