About US

Dalit Times, wants to shine a light on the plight of the marginalized through its ground reporting and deep analysis of the societal challenges. Dalit Times, while covering the day-to-day atrocities also want to drive towards a long term positive impact in the lives of marginalized people.

We are committed to working towards realizing a just society through inclusive policies, governance structure, and societal change. Towards this endeavor, we also strive to highlight areas that can increase overall community awareness and contribute to their upliftment through various inspirational stories.


Why Dalit times?

No less than 10 Dalit women are raped in this country every day, and a crime ranging from an insult to bodily harm is committed against a Dalit every 15 minutes. Many of these crimes go under the radar and are not reported by the mainstream media. That is why it is important to have a strong media representation for the voiceless. This platform also aspires to work for the overall upliftment of the henceforth neglected and oppressed section of society.


Our Mission

We aim to provide real time ground reports and invaluable grassroots news that can achieve higher conviction rate in case of crimes and bring about social justice and consequently improve the quality of life of the marginalized population.

Our Vision

Giving a voice to the last mile and most underrepresented sections of society which can lead to an equal and just society.