A tribal leader Mohan Charan Majhi took an oath as the chief minister of Odisha

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Mohan Charan Majhi, A tribal leader from Odisha, took an oath as the chief minister of Odisha on the 12th of June. He is the third Chief Minister of the state to hail from a Tribal community. 


Story: Nitya Kaimal

The first BJP Chief minister in Odisha, Mohan Charan Majhi brought the 24-year reign of the BJD to an end after the recent assembly and Lok Sabha elections

Majhi is a 53-year-old tribal leader and a four-time MLA from the Keonjhar constituency, a seat reserved for Scheduled tribes. He won against his opponent Meena Majhi by a significant margin of 11,577 votes.

The 15th Chief Minister of Odisha is a member of the Santhal tribe which is mostly found across Odisha, Jharkhand, and West Bengal. Majhi has been an active participant in the political sphere for two and a half decades, beginning with his entry into politics in 1997 when he became a sarpanch of the Raikala panchayat for three years. In 2000, he won the Odisha Assembly Elections In Keonjhar, defeating Jagadish Naik, the Congress candidate, by 22,163 votes. Majhi has since become Keonjhar’s representative in 2004, 2019, and 2024.

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Apart from his involvement in politics, he was also taught at the Saraswati Sishu Mandir, an educational institution associated with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangathan (RSS).
Majhi completed his higher secondary education in 1987 at Jhumpura High School and graduated from Anandapur College in 1990. He graduated from Dhenkanal Law College with an LLB and Chandra Sekhar College with a BA.

His earlier positions were distinguished by his dedication to public service and capable leadership, which helped him gain recognition in Odisha’s political field. Notably, Majhi has been a proponent of ethical mining methods. In 2009, he voiced complaints over excessive iron ore and manganese mining, which prompted an investigation.

Majhi was also involved in the dharna held in 2022 for the release of Dara Singh, a member of the Bajrang Dal, who burnt Graham Staines and his two sons alive in 1999. This public support for a convicted murdererhas sparked a lot of controversy nationwide.

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The BJP captured 78 seats out of 147 in the Odisha Legislative Assembly, getting such a clear mandate for the first time. The BJP assigned the task of choosing the next CM to Union Ministers Rajnath Singh and Bhupendra Yadav, who named Mohan Majhi for the position.


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