Serious concerns regarding the vacancies in the key positions in National omission for Scheduled Castes and caste census

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Rahul Gandhi the opposition Leader in Lokh Sabha has expressed serious concerns regarding prolonged vacancies in key positions in the National Commission for Scheduled Castes  and he gave a letter to the Union Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment, Virendra Kumar that highlighted  the NCSC has been without a Vice-Chairman for one year and  the NCBC’s Vice-Chairperson post has remained vacant for almost three years.

Gandhi criticized the central government that the vacancies hinder the commissions  to safeguard the rights of Dalits and backward classes, accusing the government of deliberately weakening the Commissions. He urge the government to promptly fill these positions to encourage social justice and ensure the commissions can effectively fulfill their constitutional and statutory mandates.

Tthe critical role of the NCSC in addressing issues such as public employment, access to education, and prevention of atrocities against Dalits, Rahul Gandhi stated that the prolonged vacancy undermines the commission’s effectiveness for the protection of justice for marginalized. He extends his concern that the NCBC operating with just a Chairperson and one member, is impeded in its function to protect the rights of backward classes.

Also Read : Caste survey needed because the socio-economic conditions of the underprivileged still continue the same

Gandhi’s letter also linked these vacancies to the rising demand for nationwide caste census, suggesting that the government’s inaction reflects an “anti-Dalit and anti-backward class mentality.” He called for immediate action to empower these institutions, asserting that social justice should be central Posting his post on X  remarked, “Thousands of Dalits and backward classes are fighting for justice across the country. The demand for caste census is resonating everywhere. At such a time, the  government’s deliberate keeping of important posts vacant in constitutional institutions that ensure social justice shows its anti-Dalit and anti-backward class mentality.”

 The Vice-Chairperson position has remained vacant for nearly one year. He emphasized that this vacancy undermines the commission’s effectiveness in safeguarding the rights of Dalits, addressing issues such as public employment, access to education, and prevention of atrocities.

Rahul Gandhi accused the government  deliberately keeping these important posts vacant, suggesting an “anti-Dalit and anti-backward class mentality.” He linked these omissions to the growing demand for a nationwide caste census, describing the situation as “shocking.” He urged the government to promptly fill these vacancies to empower the institutions to fulfill their constitutional mandates, asserting that social justice should be central to an inclusive vision for India.

Sharing his letter on social media platform X , Rahul Gandhi stated, “Thousands of Dalits and backward people are fighting for justice across the country. The demand for caste census is echoing everywhere.”









He urge the government to create powerful these institutions by filling the vacancies in the NCSC  at the earliest, emphasizing that social justice must be at the heart of a broad and inclusive vision for India

However the congress lead State governments didn’t take any initiative in the states is a contradictory stand and it also shows the hippocratic stand of the congress in ‘caste census’. State of Bihar too initiative for caste census and reveal the representation of upper caste in everywhere and reveal that they are over represented. The demand of Rahul Gandhi for caste census is genuine and true then congress have responsibility to implement that to the states they are in power.

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As per the published reports of the commission , reviewed and monitored achievement of safeguards and developments of scheduled castes in the state, commission dealt with cases that  underprivileged the  rights  of scheduled castes, rendered advice on policy matters, monitored the progress and  implementation of service safeguard of people belonging to scheduled castes. The Commission interacted with Scheduled Castes persons, Government, Non-Governments Organisations and people’s representatives at various levels and has come to the conclusion that in spite of specific provisions made in the Constitution, several legal and policy initiatives, institutional network and financial allocations, the socio economic conditions of Scheduled Castes remain below the national average as can be seen from the various surveys on socio economic parameters.

One of the main instruments for achieving the objective of improving the socio-economic condition is targeted implementation of specific schemes for the socio economic welfare of the SCs, their outcome mapping and handholding of the SC persons undergoing skill development. As of now allocation is made on a notional basis in a large number of Government schemes and SCs do not derive any tangible benefits from the same.



(BinduAmmini, Advocate, Writer & Dalit Feminist)

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