MP: Tribal labourer gang-raped, escapes half-naked to save her life

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A gang-rape incident involving a tribal labourer woman was recently reported in the Pavsa police station area. Two suspects have been arrested, and two others are being sought.

Story: Madhvi

Edit: Nitya Kaimal

A case of gang rape involving a tribal labourer woman has been reported in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh on the 21st of June. Following the victim’s complaint, the police arrested two suspects, while two others are still at large. The police assure that they will soon apprehend the remaining suspects.

The victim stated that she had come to Indore for work with her husband from Dindori. They later moved to Ujjain, where they were standing in Indira Nagar Square looking for work. Two men on a bike offered them work and took them along.

According to the victim, the accused, Ravi, took her on his bike to Tajpur. There, he called his friend Imran to a nearby hut and took the woman’s husband back to Ujjain to buy some necessary items. Ravi made an excuse and left her husband there, returning to Tajpur. Imran first raped the woman in the hut, followed by Ravi.

Also read: Sexual Assault against Dalit minor

Escape and Rescue

At night, the woman managed to escape half-naked and ran for about 1.5 km until labourers working in a quarry saved her where they then informed the police. Pavsa police took the woman’s statement but faced language barriers, so they called an ASI from the same area to help communicate and find the woman’s husband.

Arrests in the Forest

SP Pradeep Sharma said the police searched for the suspects throughout the night, detaining around 19 people. They identified the main suspects as Imran from Tajpur and Ravi from Virat Nagar. On Thursday evening, the police found both the suspects in the forest, where they tried to flee, injuring themselves in the process. Both were arrested and taken to Ujjain District Hospital for medical treatment.

Also read: Uttar Pradesh : Gonda man rapes Dalit woman, forces conversion.

Police Assistance

The woman received initial help from quarry workers. The police also provided clothes, slippers, and food for the woman and her husband, and arranged accommodation. SP Sharma mentioned that they are ready to help the couple find work if they wish to stay.

*दलित टाइम्स उन करोड़ो लोगो की आवाज़ है जिन्हें हाशिए पर रखा गया है। *

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