Inspirational story : “The Unwavering Champion” Dr. BR Ambedkar’s Fight for Dalit Rights and Social Justice”

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Dr BR Ambedkar was born on April 14 1891, and soon became a prominent figure in the country’s history and its fight for independence. He was well-versed in various fields and was a jurist, economist, social reformer, and political leader. He contributed immensely to the Indian Constitution as Chairman of the Drafting Committee. He was also a Dalit rights activist, and his efforts in education and law have left an indelible mark on the nation.

Story: Avani Kulshreshtha

Edit: Nitya Kaimal

Dr BR Ambedkar was a highly respected and influential figure in Indian history, and is regarded as a champion of justice, especially for the marginalised classes of the country. Ambedkar’s early education laid the foundation for his remarkable academic and professional achievements. He graduated from Bombay University with a BA in Economics and Political Science. His exceptional performance and thirst for knowledge led to him receiving a scholarship from Sayajirao Gaikwad, the Maharaja of Baroda, to pursue higher education in the United States. He began his studies at Columbia University in 1913 where he completed his thesis for his master’s degree.

After completing his education at Columbia, Ambedkar moved to London and pursued further studies at the London School of Economics. He also enrolled in Grey’s Inn to study law. However, his financial condition was not stable and he had to return to India. Despite these financial challenges, he did not stop and became a professor of Political Economy at Sydenham College, Mumbai in 1918. He also actively participated in advocating for a universal adult franchise through his submissions to the Southborough Committee.

With financial assistance from Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj of Kolhapur and a personal loan from a friend, Ambedkar returned to London in 1920 to complete his education. By 1922, he successfully became a barrister-at-law and earned an M.Sc. as well as a D.Sc. from LSE. His status as an economist was further cemented when his doctoral thesis, ‘The Problem of the Rupee’ was published.

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Ambedkar’s academic journey was paralleled by his commitment to social justice and political reform. He founded the Mooknayak in 1920, a Marathi fortnightly newspaper. Its literal translation is ‘Leader of the Voiceless.’ This marked a significant shift in the socio-political discourse on caste and untouchability in India and the foundation for assertive and organized Dalit politics. Even though Mooknayak faced numerous difficulties including financial and management issues, it played an instrumental role in shaping Babasaheb’s perspective towards activism and journalism.

Despite not being officially associated with Mooknayak’s operations, Ambedkar served as its de facto editor for six months before resuming his studies in London. He edited twelve issues during this period. The first official editor for the magazine was Pandhurang Nandram Bhatkar, a Dalit activist. Later, he was replaced by Dnyandev Gholap, who had previously worked as Mooknayak’s manager and accountant

BR Ambedkar’s unstoppable pursuit of knowledge and education was paralleled only by his activism and fight for Dalit rights as well as his political achievements. He became a member of the Rajya Sabha in 1952 after the first general elections. He was also awarded an honorary doctorate in the same year, followed by another doctorate from Osmania University in 1953. He earned a total of nine degrees in his lifetime, including B.A., M.A. (2), M.Sc., D.Sc., Ph.D., LLD, and D.Litt.

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One of his well-known achievements is his role in the forming of India’s constitution after independence. He served on the Drafting Committee and played an important role in shaping India’s legal framework. His vision for a democratic, inclusive, and just society continues to inspire generations.

He passed away on December 6, 1956, due to a prolonged illness, leaving behind positive indelible marks on the social justice system as well as the national legal framework. Since then, he has become a symbol of justice and empowerment for the marginalised communities in the country.

*दलित टाइम्स उन करोड़ो लोगो की आवाज़ है जिन्हें हाशिए पर रखा गया है। *

महिला, दलित और आदिवासियों के मुद्दों पर केंद्रित पत्रकारिता करने और मुख्यधारा की मीडिया में इनका प्रतिनिधित्व करने के लिए हमें आर्थिक सहयोग करें।


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